Meeting Sohamm Babajee

His Holiness Sri Sri 1008 Sohamm Babajee


Mahamandalesvara of Juna Akhara

United Nations ECOSOC Consultant

United Nations Observer (UNFCCCC)

Founder – Chairman of:

Sohamm Babajee Missions, Asia, America, Europe


His Holiness

Sri Sri 1008


His Holiness Sri Sri 1008 Sohamm Babajee is a spiritual World leader, a Messenger of Peace. What one sees in the life of His Holiness Sohamm Babajee (called as Babajee) and His Missions, is the manifestation of a creative and all embracing dream for mankind.

The Sohamm Babajee Missions is an International Organisation, dedicated to promote Universal Consciousness and Peace on Earth by discovering the Divine potential within all mankind to offer Self-less service to Mother Nature, Women, Children and Humanity for a better tomorrow ...

The Sohamm Babajee Missions Eco-Temple Village Billamangal Dhaam is a model for the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

His Holiness Sohamm Babajee is one of the most inspiring personalities, a true visionary, (a Spiritual World Leader.) Born in India, He is both Eastern and Western; at the same time neither Oriental nor Occidental. To know Him is to know His altruistic service, dedication and sacrifice for the Humanity.

Dedication of His life and His Missions includes:

Messenger of World Peace

United Nations Special Consultant for the Economic and Social

Council (ECOSOC)

United Nations Observer of the Framework Convention on Climate

Change (UNFCCC)

United Nations Member of the Global Compact (UNGC)

United Nations Key Note Speaker

Spiritual World Leader

Founder - Chairman of:

Sohamm Babajee Missions, Asia, U.S.A., Europe

International Conference Centre for United Nations Sustainable

Development Goals (SDG), India

International Centre for Global Warming and Climate Change, India

Sohamm Babajee Missions Eco-Temple Village, India

Dutch Associated Press, The Netherlands

Ma Aparna Foundation, The Netherlands

Philosopher, Poet, Author



1.Messenger of World Peace

His Holiness Sohamm Babajee is committed to bring inner peace within the individual and help mankind to transform that individual peace into Global Peace.

2. United Nations Special Consultant for the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Sohamm Babajees unique technique of self sufficient fund policy through Charitable Community Projects in India and worldwide helped the poorest in the most backward rural areas. These projects are abided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

3. United Nations Observer of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Babajee dedicated His life to protect Mother Nature and environment through numerous environmental and ecological activities to stop Global Warming guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Babajee raised His voice and concern and created a worldwidawareness campaign Go Green Campaign to protect the Mother Earth.

In India at the Haridwar, Kumbh Mela 2010, Babajee was called as the Eco Monk and the Green Monk. He planted thousands of trees along the river Ganges.

Babajees Go Green Campaign inspired the government of Uttarakhand in proclaiming throwing plastic waste on the Har Ki Pari Ghat of the river Ganges as a misdemeanour. The government banned usage of plastic on the Ghat during the Mela.

4. United Nations Member of the Global Compact (UNGC)

Babajees role in uplifting the society and His cooperation with the private sector resulted in Him and His Missions being admitted as a Member to the United Nations Global Compact.

5. United Nations Key Note Speaker

Babajee is renowned for His inspirational speeches all over the World.

He has been invited regularly in the conferences of the United Nation for His intense and igniting lectures & seminars on global issues, problems, solutions and actions.

6. Spiritual World Leader

Babajees unique Spiritual experiences have uncovered to Him the richness of a greater cosmic order that can liberate humanity from the three-fold mortal sufferings: physical illness, mental disharmonies and spiritual ignorance.

Babajee has in many ways, defied and redefined the notion of a Mystic.

Rather than withdrawing from human interaction He has chosen to be involved with His people. People whose lives He touches everyday with His thoughts, actions and teachings.

7. Founder - Chairman

The Sohamm Babajee Missions was founded in the Netherlands after His name in the year 1991 and has realised countless projects all over the world, especially in West Bengal, India as well as in other parts of Asia, Africa, Europe and the U.S.A. Babajees Missions are TaxExempted by the Dutch Government and the U.S. Government.

8. Philosopher, Poet, Author

Babajees Philosophy is based upon the ancient rich legacy cocooned in the spiritual heritage of India and coined with the modern scientific approach of life. It is elucidated through His poetry, novel and creative writing to millions of people in India and worldwide, helping them realising the essence of the essence of life.

9. Composer

Babajees music is not Fusion. It is, rather, the harmonious co-existence of musical thought and expression from different corners of the world.

Music lovers and music enthusiasts are unanimous in their opinion that this compositions stimulate moods. They heighten whatever emotion the psyche is gripped by, to culminate at an emotional climax. Music, we all know, has had this awesome power. But differently is it demonstrated as in the music of Babajee.

10. Philanthropist

Babajees initiative with His noble associates to create a Model Community in West Bengal, India, is the first of its kind Eco-Temple Village and an example for whole India and the World.

His unconditional love for Humanity is reflected through the various charitable projects initiated by Him.

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